Boletín 369 Premio Modesto Vigueras. Navigating a changing climate. Socios (Webinar TYPSA, Curso online de Especialización práctica de Ingeniería Marítima)
La Asociación Técnica de Puertos y Costas (ATPYC), Sección Española de PIANC, convoca su premio anual «Modesto Vigueras» edición 2021, para trabajos realizados por jóvenes profesionales.
Los plazos clave de la convocatoria 2021 son:
– 15 de marzo de 2021: Fecha límite para la presentación de candidaturas y de resúmenes.
– 17 de marzo de 2021: Designación del jurado
– 31 de marzo de 2021: Fecha de comunicación de los preseleccionados para la siguiente fase.
– 10 de mayo de 2021: Fecha límite para la presentación de los trabajos para la siguiente fase.
– 24 de mayo de 2021: Fecha de comunicación de los premiados.
Toda la información en:
Desde PIANC nos informan del siguiente workshop.
Save the Date!
Sediment Management Opportunities
to Address the Climate Change Challenge
Joint SedNet-Navigating a Changing Climate Online Workshop
on 10 February afternoon and 11 February morning, 2021
Navigating a Changing Climate is a PIANC-led Global Climate Action initiative under the UNFCCC ‘non-state actor’ process, set up to promote the sharing of knowledge on how ports and waterborne transport infrastructure can reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. SedNet is the European network aimed at incorporating sediment issues and knowledge into European strategies to support the achievement of a good environmental status and to develop new tools for sediment management.
Navigating a Changing Climate and SedNet are collaborating to run a workshop exploring areas of comment interest. The workshop, entitled ‘Sediment Management Opportunities to Address the Climate Change Challenge’, will comprise two consecutive half-day sessions. Its aim is to facilitate knowledge exchange, disseminate good practice, highlight opportunities, and identify gaps in understanding or research needs in relation to the four topics mentioned below, with an emphasis on ports, waterways, dredging and associated infrastructure/ activities.
It promises to be an inspiring workshop for sediment practitioners (policy and management) as well as scientists. Invited key-note speakers and selected abstracts will address in the following (non-parallel) sessions – with room for Q&A – these four topics:
Role of sediment management in carbon sequestration and storage: opportunities to contribute to a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions;
Sediments and climate change adaptation: seeking flexible and adaptive solutions to strengthen resilience and adapt port and navigation infrastructure and operations;
Habitat enhancement and creation, Working-with-Nature and other nature-based solutions;
Sediment management, circular economy and the waste hierarchy: reduce, reuse, recycle.
See the Annex for a detailed description of the sessions.
The four workshop sessions conclude with a panel discussion and an interactive session with the audience to determine:
Key climate change-related challenges for sediment managers;
Key opportunities for sediment management to contribute to addressing the climate change challenge;
Key topics for further research and development.
More detailed information on this workshop, such as on the speakers and presentations, will be provided in January 2021 by the SedNet Secretariat and Navigating a Changing Climate.
1.- Nuestro socio corporativo TYPSA coorganiza el Webinar: Conceptos y filosofía del mantenimiento, la conservación y la rehabilitación de las obras de interés general del estado. Fecha y hora: 26 enero de 16:00-19:00h.
2.- Nuestro socio individual D. Gregorio Gómez Pina nos informa del inicio de los módulos B y C de la undécima edición del Curso online de Especialización práctica de Ingeniería Marítima. Organiza el Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos Canales y Puertos de la Demarcación de Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla.
Descargar documentación Módulo B.
Descargar documentación Módulo C.
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