BOLETÍN N.º 319 julio 2019                                                                  

WGs RecCom, EnviCom y MarCom.


NUEVOS WGs DE RecCom, EnviCom y MarCom

Los interesados deben enviar un CV en inglés junto con una carta indicando su aportación al WG.

La Junta Directiva tomará la decisión de nombrar a los representantes españoles entre las candidaturas presentadas.

WG 209 RecCom: “Recommendations for use of AIS data for recreational navigation infrastructure”.

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WG 217 RecCom: “The impacts of alternative fuel propulsion systems for recreational vessels on marina design and management”.

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WG 218 EnviCom: “The implications of invasive alien species for waterborne transport infrastructure”

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WG 219 RecCom/InCom/EnviCom: “Guidelines to develop and operate sustainable inland waterway tourism and recreation infrastructure”

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WG 224 MarCom: “Planning of Fishing Ports-Update MarCom WG 18, 1998

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